I slept most of the way to Ras Tanura that morning. Me sleeping in a car is highly unusual but I couldn't help it. I woke up just as we pulled off the main freeway and headed into the town. Again, thankfully my new building has an elevator. We literally dumped my stuff inside one of the bedrooms and Ricky made me lock both the door to that as well as the main entrance. Pciking up another Al Hoty teacher Ricky had recognised on the way to the ITC he dropped us off and I thanked him for all his help over the last few days. I asked the other trainer, who taught English, how long it took him to walk as from the point we spotted him he must live nearby. 25 minutes he told me, though right before chatting to Ricky about going to Bahrain the week before to compete in a half marathon.
I'd perked up a bit after my sleep and some of the aches and pains in my joins had died down but I still wasn't right at all. I mentioned being a bit under the weather to Tony and he sympathised though the last thing I wanted to do was create the wrong impression by playing a dying fly routine. He had his group to babysit again in the afternoon so we killed the morning wandering around the buildings and running errands for a couple of other trainers. Not having my login still there wasn't much I could do. After lunch I decided enough was enough and asked the department head if he minded me going to sort out some things to do with the flat like he had offered to let me do. I left the ITC on foot, deciding to walk rather than go through the hassle of finding someone who knew a taxi number and spending the $20SAR, at about 13:00 and eventually got back home in writhing agony from needing the toilet at 13:45... Clearly there was a shortcut to be had but I would have to locate it another time when I could afford mistakes.
I spent the afternoon asleep on the floor wrapped up in the comforter I had bought the night before thankfully. About half three I made a brave call to venture to find the Panda supermarket (again on foot) which resulted in about an extra mille of detours from incorrect geographical calculations on my part - it really is a pain not being able to whip out my iPhone and use maps! Finding it eventually I decided to start stocking up on some basic requirements. The apartment didn't have a cooker for a start so I ended up buying a cheap two ring hotplate. Also a mop and bucket, brush, and a few snacky items being acutely aware that I still had no fridge.
Being all to bulky to carry home I asked the Indian guys at the counter if they would ring me a taxi and forewent the $10SAR (£1.60) for the journey home. 5pm came and went with no sign of my matress and by half 5 I was starting to become mildly concerned that I would be spending the whole night wrapped in my comorter! Eventually, about 6:15pm though the phone rang and a delivery guy yelled a lot of Arabic. Trying to explain that I spoke English and couldn't speak Arabic (in English which it turned out he didn't speak so was completely useless) I managed to get 'Riyad ATM' and assumed he was there. Sure enough looking out the window over to the drive through ATM (yes they have them here as well as drive through coffee shops) across the way was a van I assumed to be them. Eventually making it over to them I jumped in and directed them where to go exactly and they kindly insisted on carrying it all the way up the two floors and into position in the bedroom for me (no doubt the $20SAR tip made it worthwhile).
Ripping off the plastic on the top but not underneath and fitting the sheet I settled down with a film on. Unfortunately though an almost continuous requirement to go to the bathroom ruined my entire evening and by the end I had text Tony to say that I wasn't going to work and if the head asks to let him know I was sorting my flat out still.
Another night of feverish chills feeling run down and having to get up for the bathroom every half hour made me thankful I did...
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